I love Louis Vuitton bags without reasons, especially clutch or evening bags from Louis Vuitton. I am exactly a big fan of Louis Vuitton bag. Recently, I found a clutch called Louis Vuitton Sunflower Milled Beige Clutch very suitable for day and evening using. However, I think it is more suitable for daytime. Louis Vuitton logo patterns are showing the nifty and elegance of this clutch. Milled beige, this special color absolutely makes the clutch distinguished among all Louis Vuitton clutches though it has no other special features. In general, we pay attention to the color of a bag or clutch first, no exception for me. I like this unique color at the first glance.
With a long zipper pocket on the front, it on the one hand offers you much convenience. On the other hand, the clutch become stunning with the gold hardware attached to the zipper closure. Made of calfskin leather, it is so comfortable for hand-held. If you don’t want to carry a large tote or shoulder bag with you when go to meet your friends or go shopping, this Louis Vuitton clutch is your perfect choice. For the reasons, firstly it is sized at 19x10.5x2cm which is small and light in weight for you.
As to the second reason, its elegant color and design make it decent for many occasions. At your convenience, there is still leather with chain handle. Look, the top-zip closure must offer you an easy access to the contents.
We don’t need to buy the hottest or the most shining bags or clutches all the time. But we have to make the right choice every time. In a word, I think this Louis Vuitton clutch is small but convenient for my life. Additionally, it is charming with a special color. So I would like to take this one. What about you?